Fan-to-fan ticket resale

Dear biathlon fans, on this page you can get in touch with other fans wanting to buy or sell extra tickets.
Occasionally people are unable to use some or all of their tickets, while others are desperately in search of tickets for the same event.
Tickets purchased by fan-to-fan resale are fully valid. Please note however that, to prevent misuse, all tickets will be checked electronically at the stadium entrance so anyone holding a duplicate/copy of a ticket that has already been checked will not be granted entry.
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Marco Becker

in date 20.09.2024 wrote:
Hallo, ich habe 4 Abo Tickets für das Weltcup-Wochenende zum Preis zu je 230 Euro gekauft. Wir können leider nicht kommen undwürde diese gerne über die Ticketbörse zum Verkauf anbieten. ABO Gold, Reihe A4, Platz 57-60
Marco Becker

in date 20.08.2024 wrote:
Habe 4 x Abo-Ticket abzugeben, 23.-26.01.2025Preis 230,00 Euro pro TicketSitzbereich A, Reihe 4, Plätze 57-60
Olga Pigareva

in date 14.07.2024 wrote:
Wir brauchen zwei tickets, gerne Tribune
Elena Just

in date 20.05.2024 wrote:
Hallo,ich hätte gerne einen Ticket für 1 Personen VIP Lounge. Ab 23.01.2025-26.01.2025Mit freundlichen GrüßenElena Just